Barney School of Business


At a Glance

The world of finance is changing rapidly. A background in finance opens up countless opportunities in the world of business. Prepare to take advantage of these opportunities through a combination of coursework and partnerships with the business community.

Full Time
Part Time
Rolling Admission

Degrees Offered

Total Credits

Bachelor of Science




About the Major

Barney professor talking to the class

The finance major gives you a foundation in corporate finance, investments, portfolio management, and international finance. You can also pursue your interests in more specialized areas such as entrepreneurial finance, money and banking, portfolio management, and real estate finance.

Degree Requirements

The program combines core classes, specialized courses, electives, and an internship. You will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

Course Catalog

Featured Core Classes

  • World of Business
  • Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Business
  • Financial Accounting
  • Management and Organizational Behavior
  • Exploring and Planning Career Options

Specialized Finance Classes

  • Intermediate Finance
  • Investment Analysis
  • Portfolio Management
  • International Finance

Additional Requirements

  • Internship in Finance
  • Two Electives in Finance

Career Outlook

A solid base in economics and finance is a valuable background for any business professional. Specific careers in finance include governmental or business consulting, stock and bond market trading, banking, or international business. Finance also provide a strong foundation toward graduate work in economics, business, public administration, law, and international trade.

Kelsie Facey '23, Finance & Accounting

Finance Leadership Development Program, Travelers,

Kelsie’s Barney experience was heightened by the career ready focus and professional development she experienced. She completed an internship during her undergraduate experience and says that “the required classes in Barney helped me to prepare for this opportunity and also various networking opportunities have strengthened my skills as a professional.” Learn more.

The required accounting and finance classes have improved my business and financial acumen which will be very helpful in my career. Also through other core classes, I have learned to interact with other tools that are important in the business environment.

About the Minor

We also offer a finance minor. Visit our course catalog for specific requirements for Barney students and non-Barney students.


Applications for admission are considered on a "rolling basis." We look forward to welcoming you to Barney!

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